Happy New Year 2017

As I lie in bed this morning, scrolling through the various forms of social media, I got to see a lot of people wishing others a happy new year, and read some years in review.  So I figured that we should have a year in review.  What a year it has been.  So here goes nothing!


A year ago today, we had a little tiny baby (well he was brand new, he has never been tiny) we owned one house, rented another and had a successful business running in the second.  We had our soon to be house parked in the drive way of the house we owned.  Oh yeah, and did I mention there was snow on the ground?  As our year progressed, we slowly were downsizing and making renovations and preparations for the big move.  #thepurgeisreal  Throughout the year we were selling our belongings via various classified sites, social media, and the good old fashion way in our many yard sales.

We launched our website, and various social media platforms to give our friends, family and people that would want to follow us ways to keep up with what’s going on.  The #fumminsfamilyroadtrip was born.

March 14th, we officially got married, it was a Pi Day Pirate wedding that we will never forget!! Arrrgh

April 25th we took most of our remaining belongings and moved from the owned house, and into the basement of the rented house, and a week later the house would go onto the market, and later that day, it would be under contract, and within a month was sold!  Talk about a big relief, that was the one thing that could have hung us up a bit.

June 6th we were completely Debt Free!

June 12th there was a water leak in the basement of the house, and we decided to move into the trailer full time!  Although we didn’t use the kitchen or bathroom, we were sleeping in it, and getting acclimated for our life to come.

Every weekend through the summer (almost every one) we had yard sales.  There was just so much stuff, and the clock was ticking!

August 26th was the last day for Kids By Nature, and Harmony was officially retired!

August 28th , going away party/potluck.  It was great to see our friends and say goodbye and send them away with carloads of our stuff.

September 2nd, Doug’s last day at Diesel Conversions.  Anthony fell out of a tree and broke his arm!

The race was on, a long holiday weekend and we would be off!  The final sale was Friday night and Saturday morning, then several trips to the Thrift store and dump, and it was all gone.  We worked to clean the house through the weekend.

Tuesday Sept 6th, we took Anthony to get a cast put on, finish cleaning the house, and we were officially on the road.  I will say that the first moving day was the craziest.  We weighed the trailer before we left, and were overweight, and were literally giving stuff to our friends as they came to say good bye!  The drive by far was the sketchiest of all so far.  It was raining, we got a little loose on the highway a couple times, and the moment was huge!  We were officially location independent! 

I am not going to give you all the play by play after that point, if your following us, you probably know most of it, but, here are some stats:

We have been on the road 117 days, been in 8 states (and Tijuana).  We have visited more than 10 state and national parks.  We have parked our home on wheels and slept in 24 different places.  We traded in the Shadow Cruiser Bunkhouse for a Cyclone toy hauler and the Excursion for a F550 and a Chrysler Town and Country.   We celebrated the Holidays in true fulltimer fashion, attending rv park activity center potlucks and mingling with the snowbirds.  We have met many great families along the way, and made great connections.  We cannot wait to see what 2017 holds for us. 

Thanks for following our journey, if you don’t already, check out our Youtube Channel,  We havent posted a lot of videos yet, but we do plan to.  Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

About Fummins Family

In 2016 a family hit the road with 5 of their children. They were going to travel the country in a Ford Excursion that had a cummins engine. A ford with a cummins, hence the name, Fummins. Ford+Cummins=Fummins. It was going to be a fummins family roadtrip. Within 3 months they decided that the travel trailer they were pulling wasn't working well for their family. They needed more space so they upgraded to a fifth wheel. It's not easy to pull a fifth wheel with an excursion, so they had to bid farewell to the fummins. They talked about changing the name of theirs travels, but decided to hold onto it for a while longer. They already had a website, blog, youtube, instagram and facebook. After 2 more years they decided to make the switch to Roadschool. Here they will share some of the old posts and video. It may be old information, but it's still just as good...at least most of it!

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