Books. Even though many children have eBooks, everyone still seem to acquire paper books. There are many times that paper books are just a bit superior to a kindle. When a parent wants to snuggle on the couch with a child, when reading in bed before going to sleep, when teaching a little one to read. So even if the majority of your books are digital, it’s still nice to have a collection of good old fashioned paper books.
Then the problem becomes, where do you keep them. In a house it’s easy, just get a bookshelf. While roadschooling it becomes a bit trickier. Some RVs are set up with a place that just seems perfect for books. Like this shelf in the back room of a toy hauler.

Most people aren’t lucky enough to have the perfect space already set up for books. Instead they have to create a space for them. One excellent solution is Trones from Ikea. They don’t take up much space and can hold the heavy weight of several books.
closed with books inside look how many books can fit
I believe they are made for shoes. And they would be great for that too. I’m not sure how much weight they are meant to hold, but we’ve crammed them full of books without any problems. The top of the trones also works as storage. Which is both good and bad. Good because it can hold stuff, bad because it will collect stuff.

One great thing about using these for books is the accessibility. They are easy for little ones to open and close for. The books we read often usually just sit on top, but at least they are out of the way and not on the couch or the floor.
So in an RV, with limited space, these trones work great for storage and have worked especially well for all the children’s books.