In planning out this adventure, we thought long and hard, and decided that bringing along bicycles would be a good idea. We then came to the realization that we would need at least 6 bikes.
Then comes the dilemma, where do we put them? We searched long and hard for the best solution. We are bringing along our paddle boards on the roof of the Excursion, so we can’t put them there. We don’t want to put them inside the trailer all the time when we’re moving.

And then one day, Harmony spotted the Northshore Racks NSR-6 on a vehicle at Home Depot and went in for a closer look. Soon after she saw that one, one of her Daycare parents came to pick up their kids, and had the same rack. This time she was able to get in for a closer look. We had found our rack!!

This company is out of British Columbia, and the rack was fairly costly. One complaint I will say starting out, is if you buy this rack through their website and pay with a US credit card and ship to a US address, they charge you the same numerical amount as the price in Canadian. Which in this case was $779 plus shipping. We wanted to take advantage of the current exchange rate so we sent Brandon up to Vancouver from Seattle to get the rack.
We have had it for a couple months, and this thing is robust!! I have had it on the back of the Suburban and Excursion. I had to install a Trailer hitch on the back of the trailer to support its weight. As soon as we get out on the road and have some more practical experience with it, I will review it further. But it is definitely very stout, and made of high quality materials. At this point I would definitely recommend.
Check them out: