Are you interested in the fulltime RV lifestyle, but do not understand some of the acronyms or terminologies? Welcome to Roadschool’s RVer Dictionary. Going down the rabbit hole into this world can be pretty intimidating, I know, I was once in your seat. But with a little time and practice you can live your best life on the road.
This is the Roadschool RVer Dictionary. We fulltimed in an RV from 2016 to 2019, Harmony’s father was a fulltimer back in the late 90s for almost a decade, and we still take RV trips when time allows, so we consider ourselves very versed in the RV lifestyle.
You should definitely bookmark this page for future use and if you have something you quite don’t understand, reach out and we will do our best to help you understand.
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A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
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12 Volt – The DC (Direct Current) electrical system on an RV that supplies electricity to the base system including but not limited to lights, water pump, fans, slides, electrical jacks, also typically powering electrical components of propane appliances like the fridge, water heater, etc. The 12-volt system does NOT power 120-volt electrical outlets unless there is an inverter present in the system.
120 Volt – Is the AC (Alternating Current) commonly in household applications with a single hot wire.
30 Amp – RV electrical system where the plug has 3 prongs, a 120-volt hot wire, a neutral wire, and a ground wire typically used on RVs with lower load requirements. This system powers standard household outlets, appliances on electric mode, air conditioners, etc…
50 Amp – RV electrical system where the plug has 4 prongs, 2 x 120-volt hot wires, a neutral wire, and a ground wire typically used on RVs with higher load requirements, and the cable supply 2 separate 50 amp/120-volt feeds. This system powers standard household outlets, appliances on electric mode, air conditioners, etc..
5th Wheel – A trailer that is coupled to the tow vehicle via a hitch in the center of the bed that is secured to the frame of the vehicle.
1000 Trails – Thousand Trails – A campground/RV park membership that includes stays at their system of campgrounds by buying a membership and paying annual dues.
CLASS A – A Class A is a motorhome that is commonly built on heavy-duty frames typically used for a commercial truck or bus chassis. They can be powered by a gas or diesel engine.
America the Beautiful Card – An annual card that covers entrance fees at lands managed by the National Park Service and US Fish & Wildlife Service and also standard amenity fees (day use fees) at lands managed by the US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and US Army Corps of Engineers. A pass covers the pass owner and all occupants in a personal vehicle at sites that charge per vehicle or, the pass owner and up to three additional adults (16 and over) at sites that charge per person. Children ages 15 or under are admitted free.
Annual Bash – The annual rally for the Xscapers RV club hosted in Lake Havasu Arizona.
Awning – A canvas retractable roof-like cover that creates shade and protection from the weather. They can be manual or power operated.
Class “B” – A Class B is a small motorhome built using automotive vans or panel trucks. They are smaller and can double as your everyday driver.
Back in Site – A RV parking spot that the RV must be backed in, to align required utilities to be accessible to be hooked up.
Black Tank – The waste water tank that the toilet drains into.
Blue Boy – This is a slang term for a portable waste tank. Barker was one of the first major producers of these that come in various sizes, and they used blue as their color.
Boondocking – Camping or parking an RV somewhere without hook ups off grid.
Boondockers Welcome – A membership group that allows you to boondock at various sites around the US for an annual fee.
Bumper Pull – Also known as a travel trailer that is hitched to a ball at the rear of the tow vehicle below the “bumper”
Birds of a Feather – Niche groups within the Escapees organization that gather people with similar lifestyle interests together. IE Photographers, Stargazers, etc.
Camper Van – A van that has been converted into a camper.
Class C – These motorhomes are built on truck chassis, and can be distinguished from Class A RVs because the bed overhangs the driving area. They are relatively easy to drive and do not require any special license. They are very similar to a moving truck in size and shape.
Cargo Capacity – The difference between the dry weight and the total Gross Weight Rating. This includes all personal belongings, food, water and anything else you have added to the RV.
Converter – When plugged into 30 or 50-amp power, a converter converts that into a 12-volt direct current to make use of it for 12-volt specific systems. IE charges house batteries, lights, water pump, etc..
Dog Bone Adapter – This is an electrical adapter that typically adapts your 30 amp cable to 50 amp, or via versa.
Dump Station – A site that allows for the dumping of RV waste water tanks. They can be located at campgrounds, RV parks, National Parks, State Parks, Gas stations, Truck Stops, Rest Areas, or anywhere that RVers tend to visit.
Domicile – The state that an RVer treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. An RVers domicile state may not always be where they launched from, but rather where there are benefits to legally call this state home.
Dry Weight – An RV’s weight completely empty.
Escapees – A RV membership club that offers a variety of services for RVers from Mail & Domacile to rookie courses and how-tos.
Escapade – The largest annual RV rally hosted by the Escapees RV club.
Fiver – A slang term for a 5th-wheel trailer. A trailer that is coupled to the tow vehicle via a hitch in the center of the bed that is secured to the frame of the vehicle.
Fulltime Families – A membership group aimed at creating a community for RV families.
Fulltimer – An RVer that lives in an RV year round as their primary residence.
Gray Tank – The waste water tank that sinks and showers typically drain into.
Harvest Hosts – A membership that allows you to park your RV at various locations around the US.
Happy Campers – An additive for your holding tanks that will help eliminate odors and break down solids.
Hitch – The point to which a trailer couples to the tow vehicle. There are many different types of hitches depending on the trailer you are towing.

Hitch Weight – The amount of weight a trailer’s tongue or pin places on the hitch it is mounted to. You need to check your trailer and vehicle’s hitch weight and hitch weight ratings to make sure you are within what is allowed for the tow vehicle. This is common with travel trailers and 5th wheels as well.
Home Base – Property that an RVer uses as a “home” they can return to and where they receive their mail.
House Battery – Rechargeable batteries on an RV with the specific purpose of powering the “house” 12-volt systems. IE Lights, Slides, Jacks, Water Pump, etc. The house batteries are not typically in the same system as the car batteries in motorized RVs.
Inverter – A device that accomplishes the DC-to-AC conversion by switching the direction of a DC input back and forth very rapidly, as a result, a DC input becomes an AC output.
Jet Pack – A mobile device that serves as a hotspot using cellular data service.
“Kid Tax” – A slang term for a fee in addition to the nightly rate for additional persons. It is common practice for campgrounds and RV parks to limit the number of people per site, and charge extra to accommodate for additional resources extra people might use, IE fresh water, waste water, electricity, etc..
Landing Gear – The front jacks on a 5th wheel that lower to lift the pin box from the hitch.
Leveling Jacks – Jacks that can be powered, manual or automatic that are used to make the RV level.
Lithium Ion Battery – A lithium-ion or Li-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery that uses the reversible reduction of lithium ions to store energy. It is the predominant battery type used in portable consumer electronics, and electric vehicles and in recent years has revolutionized RV battery technology.
Mi-Fi – A mobile device that serves as a hotspot using cellular data service.
Mooch-docking – Parking your RV on a friend’s or family member’s property, whether it be in the driveway, on the street, or in back yard.
Nomadiversary – The anniversary date on which an RVer “launched” into the fulltime RV lifestyle.
Non-Potable Water – Fresh water that is NOT safe to drink, but safe for rinsing sewer hoses, washing your truck, etc..
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Part Timer – An RVer that only travels “part-time” and spends the other time in their home base.
Passport America – A campground membership discount membership club that gives you 50% off at participating RV parks and campgrounds.
Pin Box – The part that connects your 5th wheel trailer to the hitch in the bed of the truck.
Pyramid of poo – The collection of solid wastes in a black tank below the toilet discharge that builds up due to the lack of fluids and can and will clog up a black tank.
Potable Water – Fresh water that is safe to drink.
Printle Hitch – A hitch attached to the receiver of the tow vehicle that has a hook and a pivoting latch that locks the trailer. See the above photos under Hitch.
Pull Thru – A site at a campground or RV park that you drive straight into with the utilities in the appropriate locations, then at the end of your stay, you pull out forward.
Recipricol Memberships – A paid membership to an organization that allows the use or discounted use at other affiliated locations outside of the original local area. During our time roadschooling we were members of several reciprocal memberships for Zoos, Science museums
The Republic of Nomads – A membership group that is focused on Equipping families to transition from short-term to long-term family travel by creating a culture centered around Nomadic family living.
Resort Parks International – An add-on to certain resort memberships, including reciprocal assessments to other member resorts and discounts at participating campgrounds.
Roadschooling – Very similar to homeschooling, it is educating kids on the road rather than in the home.
RV Park – A campground, specifically for RVs rather than tents.

Slide out – A room on an RV that expand the living space by extending outward. Most slides expand with a switch on the wall.
Stabilizer Jacks – Jacks located around an RV that are used to stabilize an RV to limit shaking.
Surge Protector – A device used to protect an RV from power surges that are common among RV parks.
Thousand Trails – A campground/RV park membership that includes stays at their system of campgrounds by buying a membership and paying annual dues.
TOAD – A “towed” or Dinghy vehicle towed behind a motorhome that allows you to explore areas without having to move your motorhome.
Tongue Weight – The downward force that the tongue of a trailer applies to the hitch of the tow vehicle.
Tow Capacity – The total weight a vehicle can tow safely within power, weight and braking capabilities.
Travel Trailer – A non-motorized RV that you tow behind your vehicle secured to a hitch secured to the frame of the tow vehicle. Also known as a “bumper pull”.
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Coming soon
Wally-Docking – Boondocking in a Walmart parking lot overnight, typically for one night as you make your way to your next destination.
Xscapers – A membership club associated with the Escapees club that is geared toward younger working age RVers.
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Coming soon
AC – Alternating Current – Electrical current, in which the direction of the flow of electrons switches back and forth at regular intervals or cycles. The current flowing in power lines and normal household electricity that comes from a wall outlet is alternating current.
ASTC – Association of Science and Technology Centers – A non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the understanding of and engagement with science and technology among all people. This organization is affiliated with science centers around North America that offer a passport program offering reciprocal benefits at participating museums such as free general admission etc.
AZA – Association of Zoos & Aquariums – A non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of zoos and aquariums in the areas of conservation, education, science, and recreation. AZA represents more than 235 facilities in the United States and overseas. They offer reciprocal benefits at participating zoos and aquariums worldwide.
BOF – Birds-of-a-Feathers – Birds of a Feather are Niche groups within the Escapees organization that group people with similar lifestyle interests together. IE Photographers, Stargazers, Mountain Bikers, etc.
DC – Direct Current – Electrical current which flows consistently in one direction. The current that flows in an RV or anything running on batteries is a direct current.
FMCA – Family Motor Coach Association – A membership club that educates, equips and empowers RV owners in their RV Journey.
FTF – Fulltime Families – A membership group aimed at creating a community for RV families.
RPI – Resort Parks International – This is an add-on to certain resort memberships, including reciprocal assessments to other member resorts and discounts at participating campgrounds.
GVWR – Gross Vehicle Weight Rating – The specific amount of weight the tow vehicle itself is rated to carry including the truck itself, passengers, cargo, any additional accessories, and the tongue weight from the RV. This information can be found on a sticker typically in the doorjamb of the vehicle.
TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitor System – A system that monitors tire pressure and alerts the driver in the case of pressure loss.
TTO – Thousand Trails Orlando – An RV park near Orlando Florida within the Thousand Trails system.
TW – Tongue Weight – The downward force that the tongue of a trailer applies to the hitch of the tow vehicle.
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